WIT Press

Residents’ Perceptions Of Tourism Impacts On Andros Island, Greece


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WIT Press


K. Chazapi & D. Sdrali


Tourism is frequently regarded as a tool for promoting local jobs, raising the level of economic and social welfare and improving international peace and cooperation. However, tourism can also create a lot of problems, such as low wages, seasonal employment, environmental degradation etc. It is indicated that the level of tourism development and the sociodemographic characteristics of the residents influence the residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts. The aim of this study was to measure the residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts on a Greek island, Andros. The study also estimated the wish of the residents about further tourism development over the next five years on the island. Results indicated that demographic and socio-economic factors influenced the residents’ attitude toward tourism development. Furthermore, it is argued that Andros could attract more tourists by promoting its cultural elements leading therefore itself to sustainability. Keywords: tourism impacts, perceptions, attitudes, development, Andros, Greece. 1 Introduction Tourism has remarkably increased since the 1970s in all the developed countries, so nowadays it constitutes a big economic and social activity. It represents the 10-12% of the gross world product and it constitutes one of the most important economic activity having effects on society, environment and culture. Much research has focused on the impacts of tourism development, having identified both positive and negative economic, social and environmental impacts.


tourism impacts, perceptions, attitudes, development, Andros, Greece.