WIT Press

Waste Statistics Surveys


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WIT Press


M. Zitnik


In the European Union the modern environmental protection policy and related legislation focus on preventing negative impacts on the environment that are the result of activities conducted by people. These nevertheless strive to do this also by abandoning the use of harmful substances, activities and procedures, the effects of which can cause permanent damage to the environment. The fundamental principle of environmental protection is thus prevention. For enforcing this principle, basic information must be provided on the basis of which certain measures can be adopted. The data on the amount of waste generated and on waste management are also very important for proper policy-making. For the data to be relevant and correct, it is, of course, necessary to implement accurate data collection, processing and analysis, which is provided by statistical surveys in these fields. However, these surveys need to be harmonised with the legislation governing the field of waste in individual countries as well as in the European Union. The paper attempts to show individual waste streams, statistical collection of these data, their processing and requirements that we have to take into consideration in our work (Waste Statistic Regulation). Keywords: waste, statistical survey, handling of waste, list of waste, waste statistics regulation, NACE classification. 1 Introduction Waste is any material or object, which the owner or possessor cannot or does not want to use, does not need, is disturbing or damaging to him and he discharges it, intends or has to discharge it.


waste, statistical survey, handling of waste, list of waste, waste statistics regulation, NACE classification.