WIT Press

City Sustainability: A Transport Perspective – A Journey Continues


Free (open access)





Page Range

833 - 842




2,934 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


K. Doust, C. Wang, T. Doust


The paper explores the challenge of how to maximise sustainability while providing for citywide accessibility to opportunities. Beginning with the historical context to the concept of sustainable accessibility, the paper discusses the potential in cities for sustainable trunk transport networks. The trend in many cities to add orbital links to create a web like spatial structure to the transport system is examined. By applying evidence based assessment techniques to suitable case study cities, a goal of this research is to contribute an understanding in how achievable the concept of sustainable citywide accessibility is.

By exploring the city structures in key world cities, the research identifies cities consistent with web like spatial layouts of trunk transport corridors or with the potential to be structured with this form. Initial case studies are drawn from Sydney where suitable data is available. Evidence based sustainability metrics are derived, utilising a methodology first introduced in 2008 and refined for the current research program.

The paper briefly overviews a number of cities that have begun with a radial transport structure but transformed into a web like structure using orbital links. Based on an initial assessment of Sydney, the paper makes initial conclusions on how effective web like spatial transport structures are for sustainable citywide accessibility. The paper also foreshadows further work on orbital public transport links and introduces the opportunity and challenges involved in reengineering trunk corridors to multimodal systems. Conclusions outline continuing work needed and need for collaboration with other researchers. Ultimately, the purpose is to generate a typology of urban and transport spatial form that together with a practical assessment methodology gives city planners additional tools for making informed sustainability decisions.


sustainability, accessibility, city planning, transport, methodology, orbital, ring roads