WIT Press

Reinforcement Fibers In Concrete Envelopes Of Underground Nuclear Power Stations


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Page Range

33 - 41




520 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


V. Doležel & P. P. Procházka


Underground spaces offer large areas or volumes for establishment of underground nuclear power stations, underground halls, underground deposits of nuclear waste, and underground sewerage plants, etc. The roofing of such structures requires thick walled structures, in most cases being created from fiber reinforced concretes. Additionally, standard rebars serve as a bearing reinforcement while the fibers keep off moisture, chemical gas, vapor, which can cause damaging corrosion of the rebars of various kind. The fibers serve also as defense from influence of relaxation due to change of temperature. Since the structures of this kind are of length span, the construction of them demands special treatment during the soil covering of the roof of such structures, which are here considered pelted. Moreover, very important phenomenon, creep, should be involved in the calculation as the time for building up such robust structures requires long period, during which the creep in particular parts of the structure can influence the stress state in the whole structure. The starting idea is based on creation of lathwork supporting the whole structure. On this lathwork all parts of the concrete structure will be positioned in stages, which are prescribed with respect to successive loading and optimal bearing capacity in overall structure involving successive influence of creep. In this paper, advantages of surface nuclear power stations, underground drilled power stations and pelted nuclear power stations are discussed and for the latter fiber reinforce concrete is discussed. Some results of tests of selected fibers aiming to application if structures of pelted power stations are presented. The influence of mechanical behavior, as well as the thermal and chemical effects is shown. Keywords: underground power stations, pelted nuclear power stations, fiber reinforcement.


underground power stations, pelted nuclear power stations, fiber reinforcement.