WIT Press

The Role Of Very High Resolution Image Data And GIS As Planning Support Tools – Case Studies Of Belgrade And Shanghai


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WIT Press


C Hoffmann, K Steinnocher, F Petrini-Monteferri & M Kasanko


The role of very high resolution image data and GIS as planning support tools -Case Studies of Belgrade and Shanghai C. Hoffmann1, K. Steinnocher2, F. Petrini-Monteferri1, M, Kasanko3 1 Geo Ville Information Systems, ,Innsbruck, Austria. 2 ARC Seibersdorf research, System Research Division, Seibersdorj Austria 3 European Commission - DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Ispra, Italy. Abstract In September 1999 the IKONOS satellite was successfully launched providing the highest resolution images currently available for public use. The satellite's sensor can generate one-metre panchromatic and four-metre multispectral images with off-nadir viewing of up to 60' in any azimuth for a better revisit rate and stereo capabilities. The high-resolution imagery provided by IKONOS offers a wide range of applications for city planners. This paper describes the generation of land cover/land use databases for the city of Belgrade and the Shanghai Metropolitan Region based on high and very high resolution satellite data. The projects were carried out according to the MOLAND methodology of the European Commission that investigates the growth of urban agglomerations. For the Shanghai study the method had to be adopted to meet the requirements of Asian cities. Visual interpretation of image data was used to derive the databases. The implementation of all data sets in a Geographical Information System (GIS) allowed to correlate the derived landcover/land use information with statistical data linked to administrative units.
