WIT Press

Critical Aspects In The Application To Ports Of Directive 96/82/EC


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WIT Press


F Altavilla, S Berardi, P A Bragatto


Tank containers are a modem and efficient transport mode for many hazardous goods. They are suitable both for liquids and for liquefied pressurised gases. A serious damage to a tank container, with sudden loss of most content, is a highly improbable event; but it has anyway to be considered, in order to obtain a safety report compliant with precautionary criteria, as required by the Italian recent regulation on chemical hazard in port areas. Some accident scenarios have been simulated using TNO EFFECTS2 software code. Release of a very toxic liquid; release of a toxic liquid and release of liquefied pressurised gas have been considered, assuming different atmospheric conditions. Consequences of worst cases, as considered in this paper, could affect a quite large area, but anyway could be fronted by prepared and trained operators. 1 Introduction Safety is an essential and necessary element of the sustained economic activity of port areas and should be an integrated part of the management of port areas, rather than an \“add-on”, as well as environmental protection. On this basis, Italian Legislator, decided to implement Directive 96/82/EC[l] on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances also for industrial and petrol ports. Article 4 of Directive excludes from application ports and marshalling yards, even if in premises (whereas 12) provides the State Members may adopt appropriate measures also for transport related activities at docks, wharves and marshalling yards, in order to ensure a level of safety equivalent to that established for industrial installations. Decree of Environment Ministry 16 May 2001 n.293 [2], requires Port Authorities, as defined in Italy by Law 28
