WIT Press

Economic–financial Evaluation And Multicriteria Analysis Of Innovative Public Transport Guided Systems: An Application To “Linea Della Musica” In Rome


Free (open access)





Page Range

207 - 218




616 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


S. Impastato, F. M. Rea, S. Ricci


Trams and innovative public transport systems in historical city centres, are often not considered by public authorities, due to their strong visual impact, (e.g. in proximity of artistic-cultural places), and high project costs. The decision-makers guess that the high initial investment could not be compensated for in subsequent years. For this reason, it is very important to evaluate all the innovative solutions, not only economically, but considering all externalities, positive and negative, in a multi-criteria analysis taking into account public opinions and passengers’ behaviours essential for assessing revenues, and also return of image. On this basis, the results may be impressive: the positive economic impact may be highlighted, and they can have a result better than traditional systems. The subject of the analysis is the innovative system “Tramwave” of Ansaldo STS that combines an investment cost imperceptibly higher than the traditional tram, and a zero visual impact due to the absence of the overhead line due to the uptake of electrical energy from the ground. This system, applied to “Linea della Musica”, a planned tramway line in Rome, through a detailed financial balance of costs and revenues, shows a positive Net Present Value 30–40 years after the initial investment. The current crisis, both culturally and economically, can cause two types of reactions: an indiscriminate cutting of essential public services, or a positive crackdown, that puts ideas in motion, awakens the pride of the common good, and realizes innovations for saving money. The proposed analysis will try to encourage the second reaction.


tram, multicriteria, tramwave, costs, environment, Rome, externalities, innovation