WIT Press

Malaysian Newspapers Coverage Of Waste Issues: Problems In Need Of Solutions?


Free (open access)





Page Range

431 - 442




3,271 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


H. A. Hamid, A. Hussein & S. L. Chu


The media have a role as information transmitter and educator to the public; exposing and creating awareness among the public regarding environmental issues inclusive of waste control and management issues. This paper reports a study which examined how waste issues were framed in selected Malaysian English-language newspapers. Articles regarding waste issues and management published in The Sun and New Straits Times from 2003 to 2007 were analysed. A total of 616 articles on waste issues were identified and subjected to quantitative and qualitative content analyses to determine the extent and nature of newspaper coverage. Informed by framing theory, the study found that the newspapers’ articles mostly gave suggestion of solutions, defined problem and stated consequences. Moral evaluations had the least presence. The study also concluded that the waste issues in Malaysia are problematic and in dire need of efficient solutions. Keywords: Malaysian newspapers, content analysis, media framing, environmental issues, waste issues problems and solutions. 1 Introduction Human beings generate wastes everyday in their lives. Due to population growth and the increasing economic activities, more wastes will be generated and in the long period, if poorly managed, waste will affect our environment, health, and economy. Grodzińska-Jurczak and Read [1] stated that it will not be possible to fully implement the principles of sustainable waste management (particularly segregation of secondary materials, hazardous wastes, electronics and batteries, recycling, composting, decrease of municipal solid waste generated) without the active participation of wider society. According to Meyers et al. [2],


Malaysian newspapers, content analysis, media framing, environmental issues, waste issues problems and solutions