WIT Press
New Solutions in Contact Mechanics

New Solutions in Contact Mechanics

Authors: J. JAEGER, Lauterbach Verfahrenstechnik, Germany


$283.00 (free shipping)




328 + CD





Every construction contains contact elements, such as mechanical joints, bolts, stiffeners, gaskets, and support elements. In the last few years, advances in computer technology have provided new methods and solutions for contact problems.

The result of around 20 years of research by the author, this book features some previously unpublished solutions that will be useful for scientific investigation and mechanical design. A boundary element algorithm for contact with friction is discussed and a demonstration version with 800 contact points is included on an accompanying CD-ROM.

All of the chapters are more or less self-contained, while the derivations used are suitable for undergraduate students. Readers will also find new information, such as the correspondence between friction and normal contact conditions, which may aid further developments in this field.

Surface Effects and Contact Mechanics IX
Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics VI
Contact Mechanics II