Petroleum Resources with Emphasis on Offshore Fields
Authors: O.T. Gudmestad, University of Stavanger, Norway, A.B. Zolotukhin, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Russia, E.T. Jarlsby, Stavanger, Norway
Lessons learnt and experience gained from mature Norwegian offshore projects form the cornerstone of this timely book, which aims to increase the reader's general understanding of the 'upstream' part of the petroleum industry - the locating of underground resources and their conversion to valuable products.
Starting with Chapter (1): The Geology of Petroleum Resources, the text follows the hydrocarbons from their origin in reservoirs through Chapter (3): Drilling, Well Design and Well Completion to Chapter (6): Hydrocarbon Off Take.
Against the backdrop of Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico Chapter (7): Overall Field Design and Support Facilities has salutary advice for the industry, and the authors did not shy away from their responsibilities and devoted subsequent chapters to:
# Decommissioning
# Safety Management
# Environmental Management
# Licensing and Fiscal Regimes
# The Economics of Petroleum Operations and Investments
# Responsibilities to Society and Business Ethics
Scientists in the offshore oil and gas industry too often fall short of a full understanding of the complexity of the industry, and it is for them that this reference book has been written to enhance their existing knowledge and to encourage them to become involved in interdisciplinary research projects.
Ove GudmestadDr. Ove T. Gudmestad holds a M.Sc. Degree in Applied Mathematics from the University of Tromso (1973) and a Ph.D. in Hydrodynamics from the University of Bergen (1985). He spent two years as a student and visiting scientist at MIT.
Dr. Gudmestad has over 20 years of engineering, research and project experience in the petroleum industry, including offshore-related and international experience. He has published books and a number of papers and has filed a number of patent applications. He has taught courses and offered seminars on Marine Technology, Environmental Loads, Offshore Pipelines, Offshore Field Development, Arctic Offshore Field Development, Managing the Development of an Offshore Field Installation, and Deepwater Technology.
Erik T. JarlsbyDr Erik T. Jarlsby holds a Lic.oec. degree in international economics from the University of St.Gallen, Switzerland, and a PhD in internatonal business from the University of Twente, Netherlands, with as doctoral dissertation on hydrocarbon markets. He has worked for Mobil, Statoil and Borealis, holding professional and managerial positions in field development analysis, NGLs trading and petrochemical feedstock supply. He has lectured in numerous countries on business strategy, petroleum downstream & natural gas issues and project economic analysis. Since 2002, Dr Jarlsby works as a consultant and lecturer through his company Erik Jarlsby AS based in Stavanger, Norway. He is a regular contributor to the PETRAD courses on petroleum development and resource management.
Anatoly B. ZolotukhinProfessor Anatoly Zolotukhin holds the position of Deputy Rector on International Affairs of the Russian State Gubkin University of Oil and Gas (Moscow, Russia). He holds a MS degree in petroleum engineering (1969), MS degree in mathematics (1976), PhD in fluid mechanics (1973) and a Doctor of Science degree in reservoir engineering (1990). He has more than 30 years of academic and working experience in areas of reservoir and production engineering, EOR/IOR methods, multiphase flow of fluids in porous media and application of different approaches to reservoir characterization, evaluation of reserves, production forecast and field development modelling. Anatoly B. Zolotukhin is an author and co-author of 12 books and more than 100 articles.
From 1999 till 2004 Anatoly Zolotukhin worked in Statoil as a project manager, and from 2004 until 2008 – as a Technical Director of Statoil representative office in Moscow, Russia. Anatoly Zolotukhin is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In addition to his main job he holds several other positions:
- Professor International at Stavanger University (Stavanger, Norway)
- Doctor Honoris Causa, Murmansk State Technical University (Murmansk, Russia)
- Doctor Honoris Causa, Arkhangelsk State Technical University (Murmansk, Russia)
- Vice-President of the World Petroleum Council (since 2008)
- Member of the Academic Council of the European Energy Forum (EUREF) Institute (since 2008)

Petroleum Resources With Emphasis on Offshore Fields… could be interesting to at least three audiences: those preparing to enter the field, experienced workers in the industry, and environmentally concerned citizens...
I feel that from the dense, frequently bulleted text, I have gained a much better understanding of the industry including such things as the detection of clues to underground reservoirs, types of wells and the structure of production wells, obstacles to pipeline flow, and the wellstream’s possible components…
…audiences should gain from the readable text, international perspective, and the variety of references cited.
The full review is available here:
Holly Prall (2012): A Review of “Petroleum Resources With Emphasis on Offshore Fields
The Journal of Environmental Education, 43:2, 139-141, January 2012.
The text is straightforward and enhanced by excellent illustrations including color photos, engineering diagrams, charts, and interpretive drawings....This is an indispensable resource for both students and industry professionals including scientists, engineers, economists, lawyers, environmentalists, and politicians.
CHOICE, Vol. 48 No. 6, February 2011.