WIT Press

Boundary Collocation Techniques and their Application in Engineering

Authors: J.A. Kolodziej, Poznan University of Technology, Poland; A.P. Zielinski, Cracow University of Technology, Poland


$290.00 (free shipping)











Methods of mathematical modelling applied in contemporary computational mechanics can be either purely numerical or analytical-numerical procedures. Purely analytical solutions lose their popularity because of strong limitations connected with simple regions and the mostly linear equations to which they can be applied. Obviously, the fundamental monographs (for example, insert those on elastic solids, fluid mechanics or heat exchange) are always popular and often quoted, but rather as sources of comparative benchmarks confirming correctness and accuracy of computer solutions.

This volume can be divided into two parts. In the first part is a general presentation of the boundary collocation approach and its numerous variants. In the second part the method is applied to many different engineering problems, showing its properties, accuracy and convergence. Both evident advantages and also limitations of the approach are clearly presented. The observations are based mainly on investigations carried out in the last two decades by the authors and their co-operators. The monograph includes figures and tables that present results of numerical examples. A considerable number (above 1000) of papers and monographs concerning the discussed approach are quoted. They are listed separately in each chapter, which makes the literature survey easier to use.

Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies X
Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies
Development and Application of Computer Techniques to Environmental Studies VIII