WIT Press

Back Analysis Of Reinforced Soil Slopes


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WIT Press


P. Procházka & J. Trckova


Among the most popular reinforcement in soil mechanics of slopes is anchoring and nailing. In our experiments nails are applied; they are penetrated into the slope, it is loaded only by its volume weight. The material of the nails, as well as that of the slopes, is known from laboratory tests. This circumstance influences the distribution of stresses along the length of the body of the nail. Moreover, the position of the nails to the stability of the reinforced slopes is observed. As the experiments are carried out in scale models, similarity conditions have to be obeyed. The technology of construction of experimental models is very important. Similarity rules are applied, but in this case no additional tests on physical equivalence of materials (real and that in the scale model) are necessary. As is well known that slope stability is a phenomenon which underlies the softening material behavior, i.e. the nonlinear behavior is concentrated along the slip curve. All kinds of nails are fully active after their mobilization. A different position of nails is considered to obtain the influence of this effect. In numerical analysis and a priori integration method is fully used. Its application enables one to decide relatively quickly if the slope is stable or the measure of stability, the safety margin. Originally, the method was applied to stability of both homogeneous and nonhomogeneous slopes, streaming water and pore pressure influence on the slope stability. Here the influence of nails is considered by additional slip force along the slip surface. The force is calculated from comparison with the experimental data. The nails are introduced in such a way that they are long enough to cross the most dangerous slip curve possible. Keywords: nailed slopes, scale models, a priori integration method, back analysis.


nailed slopes, scale models, a priori integration method, back analysis.