Accessibility index analysis of Medan sub- district region: a dual approach
Free (open access)
Volume 5 (2021), Issue 4
Page Range
340 - 352
Paper DOI
WIT Press
Ridwan Anas, Medis S. Surbakti & Ika Puji Hastuty
Accessibility is a concept that combines land use with transport service networks that connect and facilitates movements between locations or regions. cities are built based on transportation planning and should provide adequate access to the activities of the region. this paper measured the accessibility index of the sub-district region in Medan by applying two approaches. Attention is given to highlight the differences in transport accessibility measurement results. the results determine the disparities of transport services in each of the sub-district. identifying the accessibility index can be used to evaluate the policies encouraging public transport use in Medan. the public transport system should be developed based on high-density corridors and corridors poorly served by existing public transport to suppress private vehicles’ increase in urban areas. improvement of public transport services is manda- tory to fulfill the accessibility of the region and minimize the tendency for road-oriented development (traditional approach) only. the public transport routes and total fleet operations seem to be a crucial issue to encourage private vehicle owners to use public transport by increasing the accessibility index of the region.
accessibility, accessibility index, public transport services, road network, land use and transport.