Planning for sustainable development of energy infrastructure: Fast – Fast Simulation Tool
Free (open access)
Volume 1 (2016), Issue 1
Page Range
61 - 71
Paper DOI
WIT Press
Energy management has significant impact on planning within local or regional scale. The consequences of the implementation of large-scale renewable energy source involves multifaceted analyses, evaluation of environmental impacts, and the assessment of the scale of limitations or exclusions imposed on potential urbanized structures and arable land. The process of site designation has to acknowledge environmental transformations by inclusion of several key issues, e.g. emissions, hazards for nature and/or inhabitants of urbanized zones, to name the most significant. The parameters of potential development of energy-related infrastructure of facility acquire its local properties – the generic development data require adjustment, which is site specific or area specific. FAST (Fast Simulation Tool) is a simple IT tool aimed at supporting sustainable planning on local or regional level in reference to regional or district scale energy management (among other issues). In its current stage, it is utilized – as a work in progress – in the assessment of wind farm structures located within the area of Poznan agglomeration. This paper discusses the implementation of FAST and its application in two conflicting areas around the agglomeration of Poznan.
renewable energy planning, spatial planning, sustainability