Integrated municipal and solid waste management in the amazon: addressing barriers and challenges in using the Delphi method
Free (open access)
Volume 4 (2021), Issue 1
Page Range
49 - 61
Paper DOI
WIT Press
Benone Otávio Souza de Oliveira, Gerson Araujo de Medeiros, Michel Xocaira Paes & Sandro Donnini ManCini
The Amazon is facing challenges for solid waste management, due to its social, environmental and economic vulnerabilities. The main goal of this research was to investigate barriers of integrated municipal solid waste (MSW) management for the Amazon, applying the Delphi method. A consultation with waste management experts allowed raising the main alternatives recommended for that geographical region. In addition, in loco surveys evaluated the MSW management of three cities from Southwest Brazilian Amazon (SWBRAM): Humaitá and Manicoré, in the state of Amazonas (AM), and Ariquemes, In the state of Rondônia (RO), Brazil. A total of 35 experts responded to the consultation, and there was unanimity that the prevention of solid waste generation should be encouraged in the Amazon. There
was a consensus on the treatment of MSW in the Amazon: composting of organic waste (88%) and recycling of dry waste (86%), in addition to the disposal of MSW in landfills (83%). The municipalities of Humaitá and Manicoré collect and dispose MSW in dumps. However, in Manicoré, there is a Recyclable Material Collectors Cooperative that diverts about 3.0 t month-1 of recyclable waste from the dump. Ariquemes disposes its MSW in the only sanitary landfill of SWBRAM, which receives about
135 t day-1 of the MSW generated in the 14 municipalities that form an Inter-municipal Consortium. The main challenges raised for the MSW management in the Amazon were as follows: investments in preventing MSW generation; supporting the creation of Cooperatives and the social inclusion of waste collectors; improving and integrating the river and road modals; creating conditions for the commerce of materials in Manaus recycling market; and supporting the creation of Inter-municipal Consortium for landfill construction and operation.
sanitary landfill, recycling, composting, waste pickers.