WIT Press

EMAS: Unfulfilled Expectations And Challenges Associated With The Planned Publication Of The New ISO 14001:2015


Free (open access)





Page Range

313 - 323




406 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


B. Szyszka, A. Matuszak-Flejszman


The reconciliation of economic growth with environment is currently one of the biggest challenges facing Europe and the world. Demand for natural resources is growing, and global competition in this field causes an increase in pressure on the environment. The necessity of efficient usage of resources entails the need for changes in production models. In this regard, implementing of environmental management systems (EMS) such as international normalized ISO 14001 or European EMAS (Eco-management and Audit Scheme) has enjoyed popularity since the mid-90s and seems to be inevitable. However, some of implemented systems in organisations suffer problems. They are not as effective as was expected and in some points dash companies’ hopes. In many cases, management systems are run in the operating level and often they are not sufficiently connected with strategic management and planning. Judging from the number of EMAS registered organisations (compared with ISO 14001) EMAS seems to be a fiasco. A weak system of incentives, insufficient availability of support funds, inadequate information and promotion make the current number of registered organisations not exceed 3000 and it still decreases. Poor knowledge of the society about EMAS and low recognisability of the EMAS logo makes the system a rather useless tool in the communication and marketing fields. The purpose of the considerations contained in the paper is, on the one hand, to describe the unmet expectations of organisations after the implementation of EMAS with regard to the promises made in the strategic documents and on the other hand, to pay attention to challenges that EMAS will face after the publication of the new ISO 14001:2015 standard.


environmental aspects, eco-management and audit scheme, environmental management system, environmental reporting, environmental interested parties, environmental risk management, ISO 14001:2015, EMAS