WIT Press

A Survey On The Efficiency And Safety Of The Temporary Cover Systems In Architectural Conservation And Restoration Works


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Page Range

643 - 654




1,248 kb

Paper DOI



WIT Press


C. Ş. Binan, E. T. Sipahioğlu


One of the biggest problems in architectural restoration works is to actually repair the ’structure’ which is already problematic and lacking without letting it deteriorate even further. In the last few years, work of architectural restoration in Turkey is on the rise. These works, that are generally large monumental buildings with many problems, are planned to progress on a long timeline of several years. During this period to work safely, comfortably and without letting the structure deteriorate further due to external weather conditions such as rain, wind and snow on the roofing structure, outer facades and even in the foundations, temporary cover systems or, more appropriately, emergency protection systems are designed and applied. These temporary cover systems are sometimes wooden, simple steel construction or space frame systems depending on the problems, the applicability and the physical conditions. The applicability is generally decided according to the structural problems examined at the project phase. However a holistic evaluation on the necessity, design regulations, technology, cost, the effects on the conservation process, and the efficiency of these systems is not made, but only partial evaluations are. It is also obvious that this subject needs to be analyzed in comparison with the approaches, applications and techniques outside of Turkey. In this paper an analysis of the decision making process, the design phase, efficiency, technology, cost and the effects on restoration and conservation works of such temporary cover systems will be presented.


temporary cover, temporary roofing, architectural restoration, work safety