WIT Press

Territorial Vulnerability And Local Risks


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WIT Press


M. C. Treu, A. Colucci & M. Samakovlija


The Polytechnic of Milan participated in a European research project (\“QUARTER” TERritorial QUAlity, territorial risk management systems of municipality”, project INTERREG IIIB MEDOC, research group of the Polytechnic of Milan coordinated by Maria Cristina Treu). The research purpose was the elaboration of a territorial management system aimed at territorial risks reduction (natural and anthropogenic risks) and at environmental quality improvement. The aim of the research was to increase the safety of the territory and of the communities settled there by controlling and reducing individual risks and their effects. To reach such an aim the research workgroup was set the following objectives: 1 to set up a knowledge system of the potential effects of each hazard, and of the synergies deriving from the presence of more than one risk on the territory; 2 to certify municipal acts and procedures, focusing, in particular, on those sectors that are more directly concerned by territorial management issues. Knowledge and certification represent the tools to support and lead local authorities towards adequate risk management and an improvement in territorial quality, with the involvement of the population. Territorial risk reduction requires not only a change in behaviour by local authorities, but also a strong commitment to promote awareness among citizens. Keywords: territorial risks (environmental and technological), territorial sensitivity, exposure, hazard, territorial vulnerability, mitigation and prevention on the short/long term, territorial planning.


territorial risks (environmental and technological), territorial sensitivity, exposure, hazard, territorial vulnerability, mitigation and prevention on the short/long term, territorial planning.