Handbook of Green's Functions and Matrices
Authors: V.D. Seremet, State Agrarian University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova
$262.00 (free shipping)
304 + CD
In this book the author describes his own technique of constructing Green's functions and matrices for the elastostatic Lame's equations and provides examples of applications in applied mathematical physics.
Designed for graduate and postgraduate students investigating such areas as elasticity, thermoelasticity, mechanics, heat conduction, electro- and magneto conduction, electronics, radio-physics, hydrodynamics, and conduction of moisture, the text will also be of interest to engineers and researchers working in these fields.
The Handbook contains the complete package of Green's functions and matrices (about 3,000 functions, most of them new) which permit the solution of any boundary value problems for arbitrary bodies in a Cartesian system of co-ordinates. These problems may arise in many areas of modern industry including elasticity, thermoelasticity, mechanics, heat conduction, electro- and magneto conduction, electronics, radio-physics, hydrodynamics and conduction of moisture.
Many problems and solutions are included while an accompanying CD-ROM features examples and applications of Green's functions for Poisson's equation, and 2D and 3D Green's matrices for Lame's equations.